
Frequently asked questions

How do I know the products are good quality?

We only use brand names you know and trust, and will only deal with suppliers who have an established track record for goods of the very highest quality.


How do I place an order?
Click to view How to Order.

What happens once I've placed my order?

You will receive via email an order confirmation with full details of your order, please check carefully. If you do not receive this email or any of the details are incorrect Contact Us immediately. .

Can I change my order?

Yes, you can change your order any time until the Last Change of order date, displayed on your order confirmation email. If you wish to change your order after this date you will need to call our Customer Service team to discuss this.
Please refer to our Terms and Conditions

Paying for your Layby order

How do the payments work?

Your payments will be deducted from your authorized bank account or credit card by Bright Buyz starting on the day that you selected, and will taken each week/fortnight or month depending on what you have requested. Details of your payment amounts and frequency can be found on your order confirmation.


Whats happens if I miss a payment?

If you miss a payment see our policy.  If you miss three consecutive payments we will cancel your order and email you.  Please refer to Bright Buyz Cancellation Policy.

Can I make additional payments?

Of course, just email us at and we’ll take you through it.

For any other information refer to the Payments section of Terms and Conditions or email us at


Where do we deliver to?

BrightBuyz delivers across New Zealand via courier.

Currently we cannot deliver to the Chatham Islands or Great Barrier Island or Stewart Island. If you live in these areas please call us on 09 2824842 to discuss other options.

When will my order arrive?

You will receive a delivery advice email detailing your delivery details and dates when you’ve made your final payment. Your order will arrive within 14 days of final payment date, unless otherwise specified.

Can I change my delivery address?

You can change your delivery address online up to the date specified on Last Order Change date on your order confirmation.  If you need to make changes after this date please contact our Customer Service Team on 09 2824842.

We will gladly replace items or reimburse you should a product be damaged in transit and in accordance with our legal responsibilities as a merchant.  We are unable to accept returns for other reasons such as if you have changed your mind or have made an incorrect choice about the product and no longer wish to keep it.

How to Order

About ordering

All products are available via a Layby payment plan. There are no interest charges or credit traps.
Your orders is delivered once your Layby is fully paid. You can pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

It is important to familiarise yourself with the Terms and Conditions.

Placing an order

Click the "Layby" button on the details page of any of the products you would like to purchase. You can then choose to pay for the product by:

1. Selecting the delivery date you would like.

2. By choosing a payment amount that suits you.

Proceed to your shopping cart where you can follow the simple instructions to “Continue” to shop or “Checkout”. It's that easy! Please note in all delivery locations, the price of products includes delivery. Refer to the Terms and Conditions.


About Your Payments

Calculating payments

The amount of your payment will be determined by the term of your Layby and the frequency of payments. All products display a total price. Once you add items to your shopping cart you can click on the payment calculator to estimate your payments. This calculation takes into consideration the remaining time available to make payments before your chosen delivery date.

How can I pay for my order?
By Direct Debit from your Bank account ,direct credit or Mastercard or VISA Credit Card.(see additional costs)

What is a Direct Debit Authority?
A Direct Debit Authority allows a payment to be automatically deducted from your bank account or credit card. By completing your bank account details and placing an order, you are authorising my Layby to debit your payments from your chosen account on the day you have chosen.

Can I stop /skip a payment?
Yes, if you call our Customer Service team on 09 2824842

See our missed payments/skipped payments policy.

What happens if I miss a Layby payment?
See our missed payments policy  Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for further information.

What happens if I can’t keep up my payments?
We understand that circumstances change and if you are not able to keep paying, please call one of our friendly Customer Service team to discuss your options on 09 2824842

What happens to my payments on Public Holidays?
Your Direct Debit, or credit card, payment will come out the working day prior. Please note that we are located in Auckland, therefore we observe Auckland Anniversary. If you wish to skip a payment on a public holiday, or on the day after, you will need to let us know before midday on the working day prior.